Postdoc, Hongkong University of Science and Technology
Ph.D. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary
M.S. Department of Life Sciences, Central China Normal University
B.S. Department of Life Sciences, Central China Normal University
B.A. Department of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University
Areas of Expertise
Ecosystem ecology/Biogeochemistry
Honors, Awards, and Achievements
2011-2013 Research Fellowship from NNOA Virginia Sea Grant
2009-2011 Graduate Student Scholarship from Chinese Scholarship Council
Feb. 2019 – now: Assistant Research Scientist. Metal Biogeochemistry Lab, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia
June 2019 – now: Courtesy Faculty. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia
Research Interests
I have experiences in the fields of metal biogeochemistry, biochemistry, ecotoxicology, exposure and risk assessment, and analytical chemistry of heavy metals. I am interested in the geochemical influences on metal bioavailability, toxic effects of metals on individuals and populations, source tracking of mercury in the aquatic and terrestrial systems, environmental fate of PFAS, molecular toxicity, human/ecological exposure modeling and risk assessment.
Selected Publications
X. Xu, E. Peck, D. Fletcher, A. Korotasz, J. Perry. 2020. Limitations of applying DGT to predict bioavailability of metal mixtures in aquatic systems with unstable water chemistries. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 39(12), 2485-2495.
X. Xu, G. Mills, A. Lindell, E. Peck, A. Korotasz, E. Burgess. 2019. The performance of a free surface and metal-removing constructed wetland: How a young wetland becomes mature. Ecological Engineering, 123:32-38.
X. Xu, A. L. Bryan, G. Mills, A. Krotasz. 2019. Mercury speciation, bioavailability, and biomagnification in contaminated streams on the Savannah River Site (SC, USA). Science of the Total Environment, 668(10): 261-270.
X. Xu, G. Mills. 2018. Do constructed wetlands remove metals or increase metal bioavailability? Journal of Environmental Management, 218(15): 245-255.
R. R. Philipps, X. Xu, R. B. Bringolf, G. L. Mills. 2018. Impact of natural organic matter and increased water hardness on DGT prediction of copper bioaccumulation by yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa) and fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Environmental Pollution, 241: 451-458.
X. Xu, Q. Zhang, W. X. Wang. 2016. Linking stable mercury, carbon, and nitrogen isotopes in fish from two lakes of Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports, 6: 25394.
X. Xu, W. X. Wang. 2015. Isotopic fractionation during the uptake and elimination of inorganic mercury by a marine fish. Environmental Pollution, 206: 202-208.
X. Xu, M. C. Newman. 2014. Mercury exposure as a function of fish consumption in two Asian communities in coastal Virginia, USA. Archive of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 68(3): 462-475.