Elective courses available to students in both the Phd and Masters pathways are below.

BIOS7010: Introductory Biostatistics I


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 


Semester Course Offered: 

Offered fall and spring semester every year.

Duplicate Credit: 

Not open to students with credit in STAT 6200 or STAT 6210 or STAT 6310

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Introductory statistics with applications to medical and biological problems. Topics to be covered include biostatistical design in health research, data collection and management, and introductory concepts and methods of statistical data analysis.

BIOS7020: Introductory Biostatistics II


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 


Semester Course Offered: 


Duplicate Credit: 

Not open to students with credit in STAT 6220 or STAT 6320

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Introduction to a variety of statistical tools with applications in public health and the biological sciences, including survey sampling, multiple regression, experimental design, categorical data analysis, logistic regression, and survival analysis. Motivating examples will be drawn directly from the literature in the health, biological, medical, and behavioral sciences.

FISH(EHSC)6600: Ecotoxicology


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 


Semester Course Offered: 

Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.

Duplicate Credit: 

Not open to students with credit in FISH(EHSC)(ECOL)(ENTO)(VPHY)(PHRM) 8350

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An introduction to the effects of contaminants on aquatic organisms and terrestrial wildlife, types of contaminants impacting ecosystems, fate and transport of contaminants in the environment, and the effects of contaminants at various levels of biological organization ranging from biochemical reactions in the cell to the population level.

EHSC7010: Fundamentals of Environmental Health Science


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Fundamentals of Environmental Health Science

Semester Course Offered: 

Fall & Spring

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Fundamentals of environmental health science, including health problems related to contamination of air, water, food, the workplace, and other environments. Environmental control agencies, policies and regulations, and pollution prevention and control strategies are discussed.

EHSC7150: Occupational Hygiene and Safety


3 hours. 3 hours lecture and 1 h hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Occupational Hygiene and Safety

Semester Course Offered: 

Offered spring semester every even-numbered year

The science and art of anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, and controlling the chemical, physical, and biological agents that affect the safety and health of workers. Students will explore industrial toxicology, exposure measurement, the behavior of chemical and physical agents in the environment, and the application of guidelines and standards.
Athena Title: Occupation Hygiene and Safety
Nontraditional Format: In general, one-credit-hour modules of integrated lecture + discussion + lab will be offered. These may occur during traditional class meeting times or may be presented in a time-compressed workshop format. The number of credit hours will conform to UGA policies for lecture / discussion / lab contact hours.

EHSC7410: Global Environmental Health: Focus on Developing Countries


3 Hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Global Environmental Health

Semester Course Offered: 

Offered spring semester every year.

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Students will investigate and analyze contemporary environmental health issues of countries in the developing world, evaluate the effectiveness of current environmental regulations, and develop strategies for effective change through adjustments in policies or regulations, application of remediation strategies, and/or promotion of sustainability measures.

EHSC7650: Water Quality: Protection, Monitoring, and Management for Health


3 Hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Water Quality: Protection, Monitoring, and Management for Health

Semester Course Offered: 

Offered fall semester every even-numbered year

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Impacts of development on water quality related to protecting human health and the environment. Students will explore and evaluate traditional and contemporary methods of assessing water quality, treatment, and management of water for human, animal, and industrial use, and the regulatory framework for preserving water quality and quantity.

EHSC8010: Advanced Topics in Environmental Health Science I


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Advanced Topics in Environmental Health Science I

Semester Course Offered: 

Fall Semester

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An advanced course focusing on fundamental paradigms and evolving concepts of environmental health science, including toxicology, environmental and occupational exposure assessment, environmental epidemiology, food safety. Topics will be explored through a combination of lecture, case studies, and critical discussions of primary literature.

EHSC8110: Fundamentals of Chemical and Microbial Risk Assessment


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Fund Risk Assess

Semester Course Offered: 

Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.

Duplicate Credit: 

Not open to students with credit in EHSC 7510 or EHSC 8510-8510L

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Examination of fundamental elements of risk assessment, chemicals, and microorganism assessments, and assessment used by federal agencies. Risk assessments conducted and used by international groups will be compared and evaluated. Includes a combination of lectures, case studies, critical discussions of primary literature, and a group risk assessment project.

EHSC8210: Cancer Etiology and Prevention


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Cancer Etiol Prev

Semester Course Offered: 

Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.

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Cancer is the leading cause of mortality in the world and fully understanding cancer’s etiology is essential for public health professionals. This course covers etiological risk factors and preventive strategies of major human cancers, and will explore environmental causes, carcinogenesis, and prevention of human cancers.

EHSC(EPID)8250: Biomarkers: Public Health, Clinical, and Environmental Toxicology Applications


3 hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Biomarkers: Public Health, Clinical, and Environmental

Semester Course Offered: 

Fall Semester

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Biomarkers in clinical practice, and in public and environmental health. Biomarkers of disease, exposure to chemicals or pathogens, and adverse insults on humans play an important role in Environmental Health Science, Epidemiology, and Toxicology.

EHSC8310: Advanced Topics in Aquatic Microbiology, Health, and the Environment


3 hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Advanced Topics in Aquatic Microbiology, Health, and the Environ

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Special topics related to public health, water quality, and environmental microbiology will be covered by a combination of lecture, student-driven seminars, and critical discussions of primary literature. Topics will vary by semester and may include oceans and human health, methods in environmental microbiology, and wastewater microbiology.

EHSC8400: Occupational and Environmental Diseases


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 


Semester Course Offered: 

Offered spring semester every year.

Duplicate Credit: 

Not open to students with credit in EHSC 7400

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Provides an understanding of the current state of occupational and environmental diseases in the United States for occupational health and safety practitioners, toxicologists, and other public health students. A basic understanding of toxicology, human physiology, and anatomy is recommended for the course.

EHSC8450: Genome Technologies


1-3 hours. hour(s)

Oasis Title: 


Semester Course Offered: 

Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.

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The development and use of new high throughput molecular genetic tools. Provides detailed insight for applications, acquisition of instrumentation, and use of genomic assays. Intended to provide relevant training for students that will establish laboratories and make use of genomic information.

EHSC8460: Empirical Genomics


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Empirical Genomics

Semester Course Offered: 

Fall Semester

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The background and use of new high throughput genomic tools. Content and credits will vary depending on the subjects covered.

EHSC8550: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Develop Reprod Tox

Semester Course Offered: 

Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.

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Topics will include developmental and reproductive processes; how chemical, biological, or physical agents disrupt normal processes; experimental approaches to evaluating suspected teratogens; and mechanisms for how exposure to agents results in reproductive or developmental abnormalities. Class will include a combination of lecture, case studies, and critical discussions of primary literature.

EHSC8630-8630L: Quantitative Ecological Toxicology


4 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Quant Ecotoxicology

Semester Course Offered: 

Offered summer semester every odd-numbered year.

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Principles and quantitative methods for the analysis of ecotoxicological data.

EHSC8650: Advanced Environmental Chemistry


4 Hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Advanced Environmental Chemistry

Semester Course Offered: 

Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.

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The advanced chemistry of chemical processes in an environment, health effects of important environmental chemicals, and latest methods and advanced instrumentation for environmental analysis and research.

FANR6750: Experimental Methods in Forestry and Natural Resources Research


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 


Semester Course Offered: 

Offered fall semester every year.

Duplicate Credit: 

Not open to students with credit in FORS 6750

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Statistical procedures and computer software to collect, analyze, and interpret forest resources research data.

FISH(EHSC)4600/6600: Ecotoxicology


3 hour(s)

Oasis Title: 


Semester Course Offered: 

Spring Semester

Duplicate Credit: 

Not open to students with credit in FISH(EHSC)(ECOL)(ENTO)(VPHY)(PHRM) 8350

An introduction to the effects of contaminants on aquatic organisms and terrestrial wildlife, types of contaminants impacting ecosystems, fate and transport of contaminants in the environment, and the effects of contaminants at various levels of biological organization ranging from biochemical reactions in the cell to the population level.

FISH8350: Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology


3 Hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology

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An introduction to the toxic effects of contaminants on non-human organisms, types of contaminants impacting ecosystems, fate and transport of contaminants in the environment, effects of contaminants at various levels of biological organization ranging from biochemical reactions in the cell to ecosystem function, and ecological risk assessment.

PHRM8270: Contemporary Concepts in Pharmacokinetics


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Cont Pharmacokinet

Semester Course Offered: 

Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.

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Techniques of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling and data treatment.

PHRM(VPHY)8940: Organ Systems Toxicology


4 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Organ Systems Tox

Semester Course Offered: 

Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.

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Mechanisms of injury of biological systems produced by chemical exposure. Adverse effects of chemicals on major bodily organs and organ systems, including the blood, respiratory system, nervous system, kidneys, cardiovascular system, liver, immune system, reproductive system, skin, and eyes.

STAT8200: Experimental Designs


3 hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Design of Experiments for Research Workers

Semester Course Offered: 

Fall Semester

Duplicate Credit: 

Not open to students with credit in STAT 6430

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Methods for constructing and analyzing designed experiments are considered. Concepts of experimental unit, randomization, blocking, replication, and orthogonal contrasts are introduced. Designs include completely randomized design, randomized complete block design, Latin squares design, split-plot design, repeated measures design, and factorial and fractional factorial designs.

VBDI8200: Immunotoxicology


2 hour(s)

Oasis Title: 


Semester Course Offered: 

Spring Semester

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The effects of environmental, occupational, and therapeutic agents on the immune system. Discussions will include theory, principles, and methodology in immunotoxicity, immune mechanisms, and tumorigenesis. Elements in regulatory immunotoxicology including GLP will also be discussed.

VPAT8020: Cellular Pathology


Credit: 4 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Cell Path

Semester Course Offered: 

Not offered on a regular basis.

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The response of the body to disease. Fine structural and molecular changes; includes mechanisms of cellular injury, carcinogenesis, and mechanisms of neoplasia and the inflammatory process.



4 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Princ Physiol I

Semester Course Offered: 

Offered fall semester every year.

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3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Princ Physiol II

Semester Course Offered: 

Offered spring semester every year.

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VPHY8010: Mammalian Cell Physiology


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 

Mam Cell Physiology

Semester Course Offered: 

Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.

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The physiology of the mammalian cell.

VPHY8400: Neurophysiology


3 hours hour(s)

Semester Course Offered: 


Duplicate Credit: 

Offered spring semester every year.

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The nervous system stressing cellular physiology of the nervous system and how changes in cellular physiology impact behavior.

VPHY8960: Molecular Toxicology


3 hours hour(s)

Oasis Title: 


Semester Course Offered: 

Offered spring semester every year.

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Molecular mechanisms of toxicities.