Join us for our Spring Workshop!
April 10th, 2024
8:30am – 4:00pm
Paul D. Coverdell Center, Athens, GA
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Sarah Blossom
Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences
COP- Pharmaceutical Sciences, CC-Cellular and Molecular Oncology and SOM-Comprehensive Cancer at the University of New Mexico.
Director of the New Mexico’s INSPIRES Environmental Health Sciences core Center
Presenting: “Environmental Pollutants as Drivers in Autoimmune Disease.”
Sarah J. Blossom research focuses on studying the impacts of environmental toxicants on autoimmunity and hypersensitivity disorders in animal models. She is a basic scientist/immunologist/T cell biologist by training with specific expertise in immunotoxicology of water contaminants, namely the industrial solvent trichloroethylene. Dr. Blossom has been continuously funded as a PI since 2010. In the new R01, she is investigating the epigenetic impacts of TCE exposure in pathogenic subsets of CD4+ cells and studying how they promote autoimmune disease