Ph.D. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Interdisciplinary Toxicology Program, 1990, Major: Toxicology (Advisor: Dr. Raymond Harbison)
M.S. Emory University, 1980, Major: Developmental Biology (Advisor: Dr. William A. Elmer)
M.A.T. Emory University, 1976, Major: Secondary School Science, Certified Supervising Teacher (Advisor: Dr. Eugene Lee)
B.S. Auburn University, 1971, Major: Biology Education, Secondary School Certificate
Honors, Awards, and Achievements
Past Chair (2018-2019), Chair (2017-2018), Vice Chair (2016-2017), the Scientific Liaison Coalition a partnership of professional organizations with the goal of improving public health through collaborative interdisciplinary approaches.
Past President (2015-2016), President (2014-2015), Vice President (2013-2014), Vice President-Elect (elected 2012-2013), the Teratology Society, renamed in 2019 as the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention. As Vice President and Program Chair, had responsibility for planning the annual meeting held in Bellevue, WA in June 2014.
UGA Graduate School Faculty Diversity Award, (2012). For significant efforts to promote and enhance opportunities for diversity and inclusion in the classroom and to provide opportunities to foster greater communication, education and interaction between faculty and underrepresented student populations
Sloan Faculty of the Year Award presented by the COMPACT for Faculty Diversity from nominations submitted by Sloan Student Fellows. (2005).
Member of the Sloan Foundation PhD Network for Underrepresented Minorities. (2003-2009).
Received Ruth L Kirschstein National Research Service Award for partial support during the study leave to University of North Carolina School of Dentistry. (2001-2002).
UGA Outstanding Academic Advisor / Mentor Award (2000-2001). Dr. Smith was the first faculty member in the University to receive this award (2001).
Selected National Review Panels:
Invited review panel member, USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Food Safety. July 6-10, 2020, (held by video conference).
Invited Special Emphasis Panel Peer Reviewer, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Minority Healthy and Health Disparities, Special Emphasis Panel ZMD1 DRI (01), June 9, 2020 (held by teleconference).
Invited Special Emphasis Panel Peer Reviewer, National Toxicology Program, Draft Technical Report for prenatal developmental toxicity reports for four chemicals, July 31, 2019.
Invited review panel member, USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Food Safety. December 10-14, 2018, Washington, DC.
Invited member, FAO/WHO Technical meeting on the safety of ready-to-use lipid-based products for moderate and severe acutely malnourished populations, December 11-14, 2012, Rome, Italy.
Invited external reviewer, Environmental Protection Agency, Peer Review of Toxicological Review of Biphenyl, April 3, 2012. Arlington, VA.
Invited member, National Institutes of Health Study Section, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Children’s Study Centers (NIH-NICHD-NCS-1022), July 23, 2012. Washington, DC.
Research Interests
Research interests include the effects of chemical and microbial exposures during pregnancy and development; microbial and chemical risk assessment; dose-response information for foodborne pathogens and chemicals for use in risk assessment.
Selected Publications
Chan, M, J Zambrana*, EM McKenzie* and MA Smith. Occurrence of Cronobacter species from urban, suburban and farm homes. (to be submitted to Journal of Food Protection, in internal review with sponsor). 2020.
Wadhwa Desai, R and MA Smith. Pregnancy-related listeriosis. Invited manuscript for special edition Emerging Infections During Pregnancy, Birth Defects Research 109:324–335, 2017.
Smith, MA and C Lau on behalf of the Teratology Society. A resolution on folic acid fortification. Birth Defects Research A 103 (1):1-2. 2015.
Roulo, RM, JD Fishburn, M Amosu, A Etchison* and MA Smith. Dose-response of Listeria monocytogenes invasion, fetal morbidity, and fetal mortality after oral challenge in pregnant and non- pregnant Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Infect Immun 82 (11):4834-4841. 2014.
West, FD, WM Henderson*, P Yu, J-Y Yang, S Stice and MA Smith. Metabolomic response of human embryonic stem cell derived germ-like cells after exposure to steroid hormones. Toxicological Sciences 129 (1):9-20. 2012. Finalist for Best Paper in Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology in Toxicological Sciences for 2012.
Williams, D, S Dunn, A Richardson*, JF Frank and MA Smith. Time course of fetal tissue invasion by Listeria monocytogenes following an oral inoculation in pregnant guinea pigs. Journal of Food Protection 74(2):248-253. 2011.